keeps coming

June 24, 2010

more from the sketch books

June 14, 2010


May 13, 2010


May 13, 2010

death of her peoples language

April 18, 2010


April 7, 2010

Teach me how the process of the seasons is a dance of order and chaos – continuously flowing around.

short thought

March 29, 2010

As the fruit was picked from a holy tree

Nature’s destiny of a life

Feeding the faithful

Sown in soil

My soul

You are as true as a leaf

As the orange that comes from the


of the chosen one

round like the earth

this ball is rolling endless

poetry sketches from the journal

March 23, 2010

Exists in a moment:

Ripples from the wind –this water

Go go,

Pattern grow


From the time of birth,

From the time when the bounteous cord of our mothers

Was cut:

we are now on a lifetime journey of healing.

Heads that float above confusion work together as one

While the individuals below swim in a containment of fear and suffocation

Solitary sperm

They are competing for that egg


Let it come to you and do not seduce it with indictments.

With Your Faith-

Clarity within

The universe’s creations destructions

Multi spectrum rainbows

Dimensional levels of

Perspective and reality


It isn’t just what I see

When you know-

you glow

What you observe is what you are

That is,

Unique (who you came from) infinity


Love so great and euphoric- love so painful and deep

Births deaths

Cycles of a circle dance

Continuum as I stand


My teenage self and my twenties self

In the green for growth and conception

I see down the line figures representing my elder days, but they are unfocused


Natures a mystery and it is not up to us to control her flow

Or attempt to claim

Describe her moving ways

We cannot imitate, other than to create

with what is around

The vapor of the serendipitous events that teach lessons

Way more potent and strong

Than any solid material

Evelyn Spaan 1/4/1918- 3/20/2010

March 21, 2010

Grandma, may your soul fly and your body rest in peace.

sights on a sunny spring day

March 19, 2010